Alan Cook, Eversheds Sutherland LLP
Alan Stark*
Bruce Linton, James Keiller Property Holdings Limited
Chris Stewart, Chris Stewart Group
David Peck, Buccleuch Property
Isobel D'Inverno, Brodies LLP
Johane Murray, Brodies LLP
John Hamilton, Winchburgh Developments Ltd
Ken Ross OBE, Ross Developments and Renewables Ltd
Paul Curran, Qmile Group
Richard Rennie, Burness Paull LLP
Robin Blacklock, Dowbrae Property Consultancy
Emily Brodie, Tuffin Ferraby Taylor (TFT) Limited
Graeme Steel, Bank of Scotland
Ian Sillars, Royal Bank Of Scotland Plc
Alan Gilkison, Ryden LLP
Stephen Lewis, HFD Property Group
David Fraser, Ryden LLP
Ian Nicol, Royal Bank Of Scotland Plc
Maria Francké, Maria Francke Planning
Kevin Robertson, KR Developments Group Ltd
Michael Clements, Aberdeen Investments
Michael Clements (1), Aberdeen Investments
Martin McKay, Clyde Gateway Developments Limited
Mairi Murray, BakerHicks
* independent member of the committee