Press Releases

21 Jun 2019

SPF welcomes revised Planning Bill

The Planning (Scotland) Bill has successfully passed through its final stage of scrutiny in the Scottish parliament, following three days of debate in Holyrood. 

The Scottish Property Federation (SPF) welcomes the outcome of the revised Planning Bill.  

SPF Chairman, Miller Mathieson, said, “Ever since the independent planning review in 2015, we have called for these reforms to achieve a streamlined and delivery-focused planning system. 

“We are pleased that the Bill has been strengthened over the course of its passage through parliament and that unworkable amendments introduced at Stage 2 were, in the end, either improved or removed from the Bill.  

“We agree it is important that community views are incorporated into plan-making at the earliest stage and that effective and robust community engagement is undertaken at the outset of a development proposal. 

“It will also be important to ensure that any further increases in planning fees go hand in hand with tangible improvements in planning services. 

“After considerable cross-party efforts to improve the Bill, we are optimistic that it can now support much needed development in Scotland, which will be a catalyst for jobs, investment and creating places for people to live, work and enjoy.” 

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