SPF Annual Conference 2025: Growing Scotland's Economy
TIC - University of Strathclyde
99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
Date & Time:
02 Apr 2025
09:00 - 16:00
Event Type:
Flagship Event
Prices start from:
SPF Members | £135.00 |
BPF Futures Members | £110.00 |
Non-Member | £160.00 |
* Prices exclude VAT
VAT will be added before payment
This event is open to Members and Non-Members.
Event Details
Our biggest conference so far!
Tickets for the 17th Annual Conference are sold out now!
We're excited to welcome over 300 delegates representing over 130 organisations to the SPF Annual Conference at Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow on 2 April 2025!

Organisations attending include...

BPF Futures at the SPF Annual Conference (starting 8.30am)
We are excited to offer BPF Futures members who book an exclusive breakfast event with a professional coach to help maximise their value of attending the conference and develop their networking skills. Nicola Barclay, the former Homes for Scotland CEO and recent founder of Athena Leadership Coaching and Consulting is a professional coach will run the pre-conference session. This is an exclusive opportunity for members of our junior professional network to receive coaching that will help to approach the conference with a strategic mindset, focus on personal development, and network with purpose.
This session is included in the discounted ticket price for BPF Futures members only but has extremely limited places, so secure your space today. Full details of the event will be sent once booked.
During the session you will:
- Enhance Your Networking Skills: Learn how to approach networking with confidence and to build strong, lasting connections. Learn how to prepare before industry events, create meaningful connections on the day, and follow up after events, with the opportunity to immediately put those skills into practice.
- Connect with other BPF Futures members: This session is exclusively for BPF Futures members and will allow you to connect with other delegates before then attending the full conference programme.
- Learn actionable takeaways which you can then apply to other industry events.
Melanie Leech OBE
Conference Compère
CEO, British Property Federation
Headline Speakers
Kate Forbes MSP
Deputy First Minister & Cabinet Secretary for Economy & Gaelic
Scottish Parliament
Sir. John Curtice
Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde
Panel 1 : Residential Investment
- Convener: Robin Blacklock, Director, More Homes More Quickly and MD, Dowbrae Real Estate Consultancy
- Insights from Paul McLennan MSP, Minister for Housing
- Jean-Marc Vandevivere, Chief Executive at PLATFORM_
- Dr John Boyle, Director of Research & Strategy, Rettie.
- Sally Thomas, Chief Executive at Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
Panel 2 : Commercial Investment in our Cities
- Convener: Johane Murray, Partner and Head of Real Estate, Brodies LLP
- Stephen Lewis, Managing Director, Property HFD Group
- Nick Peet, Divisional Head of Real Estate Finance: North England, Scotland and Northern Ireland Santander Corporate Banking
- Elliot Robertson, Chief Executive Officer, Robertson Group
Afternoon Keynote Speaker
Cllr Susan Aitken
Leader of Glasgow City Council
Invest Aberdeen
Paul Macari, Head of Planning and the Economy
Stephen Booth, Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord
Panel 3 : Working Together - Partnerships to grow our towns & cities
- Convenor: Jonathan Guthrie, Director for Strategic Partnerships, Robertson Group
- Daniel Johnson MSP, Scottish Labour’s spokesperson on the Economy, Business and Fair Work & MSP for Edinburgh Southern (Constituency).
- Robin Presswood, Executive Director of City Development, Dundee City Council
- Kimberly Guthrie, Chief Officer, Scotland's Town Partnership
- Sarah Baillie, Partner, Planning & Infrastructure Consenting, Addleshaw Goddard