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28 Jun 2024

SPF Voice June 2024

In our Summer edition of Voice, Stuart Oag discusses his recent engagements as the new SPF Chair and our Industry Insight features Alan Cook who analyses the Tenancy of Shops (Scotland) Act from a landlord perspective. With the UK General Election fast approaching, the SPF team provide a manifesto breakdown, outlining the key promises for the industry as well as an update on housing and the new Infrastructure Levy Scotland proposal.  

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31 May 2024

SPF Voice May 2023

This edition of SPF Voice marks the handover of SPF Chair from Maria Francké to Stuart Oag of Drum Property Group. In her last Chair's column she touches upon SPF's work, the recent change in the political context, and welcomes Stuart as Chair and Jonathan Guthrie of Robertson Group as Vice Chair. 

Industry insight features a political overview by Donald Anderson of Playfair Scotland and an overview of the Tenancy of Shops Act consultation by David Bartos of the Scottish Law Commission. The SPF team provides brief updates on the Ministerial and Cabinet changes, the Housing Bill and planning consultations.

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30 Apr 2024

SPF Voice April 2024

This edition of Voice is a conference special featuring insights from our Chair, Maria Francké and later a round-up of the keynote speeches, panel sessions and snaps of the day from the SPF Annual Conference held in Glasgow. 

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28 Mar 2024

SPF Voice March 2024

In our March edition of SPF Voice, gain an overview from our Chair, Maria Francké on our work this past month. Our industry insight this month is by Cullen Warnock of Abertay University, who delves into the works of the University from their R&D and innovation hub to their plans for heat networks to get the campus future proofed.

Our SPF team provides you with the latest update on the Housing Bill published yesterday (27 March) and policy insights on sustainability regulations, land and PBSA reform. 

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28 Feb 2024

SPF Voice February 2024

In this month's edition of Voice, our guest writers discuss Scotland's cladding issues and progress on NPF4. Our SPF team also cover a number of policy related developments as well as provide a recap of recent work, events and public sector engagements. 

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31 Jan 2024

SPF Voice January 2024

In this year's first edition of SPF Voice, get a sneak peak of our programme this year from our Chair Maria Francké. Our Industry Insight features Scotland's first National Planning Improvement Champion Craig McLaren and Robin Blacklock of Dowbrae Real Estate Consultancy on 'More Homes More Quickly' industry campaign. The SPF Team provides round up of current policy issues covering rent cap, business rates, planning reform, building safety levy etc. Find more information on our Annual Conference this year and Scottish Property Awards.

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30 Nov 2023

SPF Voice November 2023

In this month's edition of SPF Voice, hear the latest industry round-up from our Chair Maria Francké. Our Industry Insight features Darron Williams of Bruntwood SciTech on Glasgow's Met Tower and Josie Sclater from SPF gives a deeper understanding of Edinburgh's Housing Emergency. Our Policy Bites section covered by the SPF Team provides a round up of current policy issues and a recap of BPF Futures' 'Learning to Lead' event held this month. 

31 Oct 2023

SPF Voice October 2023

In this month's issue of Voice we hear from Martin McKay of Clyde Gateway on sustainable development in Glasgow's East End. Our second Industry Insight features Calum MacAuley from Bonham and Brook who dives into the policy intricacies of LBTT and whether reform is necessary. Catch up on the latest industry insights with our policy bites section from the SPF team and view some of the pictures from the Annual Dinner. 

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29 Sep 2023

SPF Voice September 2023

This month's Voice features the latest industry development projects across Scotland including plans to transform East Kilbride's town centre with coverage from ThreeSixty Architecture. Also included are insights from Sigma Capital on their recent residential development at Bertha Park in Perth. Our SPF team provide a round-up of recent engagements and an analysis of the Programme for Government. 

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31 Aug 2023

SPF Voice August 2023

Catch up on our latest industry news this Summer, featuring SPF Chair Maria Francké, Robin Presswood from Dundee City Council and Gary Meechan from Scape Scotland. This month's Industry Insight explores how Dundee City Council is embracing development opportunities and we also look at public sector procurement issues. Our SPF team covers a range of industry topics including, the rent cap, business rates, sustainability and planning issues. We also provide an update on our events & work this month. 

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30 Jun 2023

SPF Voice June/July 2023

This month's issue of Voice features a note from our new Chair, Maria Francké about the need to transform our built environment to net zero as Scotland moves forward with Passivhaus. Along with an article from Alan Stark, Chair, SPF Sustainability & Building Design committee, touching upon the sustainability agenda being a priority in our journey to net zero. SPF dispatches include the updates on rent cap legislation, business rates and Passivhaus. Also, the tickets for SPF Annual Dinner are now on sale, so reserve your seats!

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31 May 2023

SPF Voice May 2023

In this month's Voice, our industry insight is from our Vice Chair and planning expert, Maria Francké who highlights some of the recent challenges of implementing NPF4. Also included is a round-up of the discussions from the latest SPF engagements with members and regional authorities.